Leadership was the focus. We learned about the “Golden Circle Model” of being an inspiring leader … The information shared really resonated with me because I saw how/why this information would be successfully used in a lot of situations (within an organization, with parents, and even groups of children)
ECE, West Kootenay, Reflection
In British Columbia
AMSSA, the official website of the Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC, providing resources “to support agencies in the settlement and integration, as well as the diversity and inclusion sectors.”
BC Aboriginal Child Care Society, official website.
- Moe the Mouse® Speech and Language Development Program, one of the curriculum kits offered by the Society.
Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC, official website.
Sponsors the $10aDay campaign, an effort to make quality child care affordable and accessible in the province.
Early Years Professional Development, a training event database sponsored by British Columbia’s Ministry of Children and Family Development.
ECEBC, the official website of the Early Childhood Educators of British Columbia.
Greater Nanaimo Early Years Partnership, providing resources to parents of young children in the Greater Nanaimo Area.
Nanaimo Child Development Centre, with a mandate to “provide individualized services for children with developmental needs, from birth to age 19, and their families that promote optimum child development.”
PacificCARE, the official website of the PacificCARE Family Enrichment Society (PCFES), “promot[ing] and provid[ing] quality services for children and family”, serving the communities on and surrounding Vancouver Island.
PNGI, the official website of the Provincial Networking Group Inc., located in Terrace, BC.
WCCRC, the official website of the Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre, which “provides information, referrals, training and resources to families, individuals and organizations who are seeking the best child care and early learning.”
In Canada
Canadian Child Care Federation, official website.
EcoParent, a magazine that “strive[s] to give you what you need to make responsible, sustainable and, most importantly, attainable lifestyle choices for your family.”
- MacNamara, D. (2019, May 28). How to raise truly caring kids. Link
Common Worlds Research Collective, an “interdisciplinary network of researchers concerned with our relations with the more-than-human world.”
Early Childhood Pedagogies Collaboratory, a “a hybrid and experimental space where educators and pedagogues trace and experiment with the contours, conditions, and complexities of early childhood education pedagogies in the 21st century.”
Peer-Mentoring Project for Early Childhood Educators in BC, supporting educators to “build capacity and leave a legacy.”
Toddler Attentional Behaviours and LEarning with Touchscreens (TABLET) Project, conducted by the Cognition in Naturalistic Environments (CINE) Lab at the University of London.
Personal / Professional
Alison Gopnik, a professor of psychology and “world leader in cognitive science, particularly the study of children’s learning and development.”
Deborah MacNamara, PhD: Developmental science translated into practical love, clinical counsellor and developmentalist using the “relational-developmental approach of Dr. Gordon Neufeld”.
- MacNamara, D. (n.d.). The surprising secret behind kid’s resistance and opposition. Link
Interaction Imagination, a site/blog hosted by educator Suzanne Axelsson.
Janet Lansbury: Elevating child care, a site inspired by Magda Gerber’s RIE approach.
- Lansbury, J. (2011, June 22). The parenting magic word (10 ways to use it). Link
Learning and Exploring through Play: Inspiring Ideas for Little Learners, a blog written by mother and educator Amy Powell.
- Powell, A. (n.d.). 26 books all kids should know before 6. Link
L.R. Knost–Little Hearts/Gentle Parenting Resources, a collection of resources from Little Hearts Books.
Lam, N., Misquitta, C. A., Paul, A. (2022). Decolonizing Literacy Practices in Early Childhood Spaces and Places. [zine]. Vancouver. BC. Click here to view.
Not Just Cute with Amanda Morgan, a blog for parents and educators “who want to support intentional, whole child development.”
- Morgan, A. (2019, Mar. 27). The paradox of sitting still in preschool. Link
Play Counts, website hosted by educator Denita Dinger, containing links to her podcast and blog.
Play Counts–Keynotes/Trainings/Coaching is the associated Facebook page.
Richard Cohen, M.A.: Engaging & inspiring early childhood professional development tailored to your community, an educator and current professor in Early Care and Learning.
- Cohen, R. (2015, Sep. 9). Zen and the art of early childhood education. Link
Rob Hopkins: Imagination taking power, environmentalist and founder of Transition Network (videos on him and his movement).
The Unschool Dad, the Facebook page of a father who practices ‘unschooling’ with his children.
Welcome to Teacher Tom’s World, personal site of educator Tom Hobson.
- Teacher Tom also hosts a blog, titled Teacher Tom: Teaching and learning from preschoolers.
Online Certifications / Conferences / Webinars
Brain Story Certification, a “free, in-depth course for anyone who wants to learn more about the science of brain development.” Provided by the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative and its parent organization, the Palix Foundation.
Early Childhood Investigations Webinars, hosts online webinars for early childhood educators. Produced by Engagement Strategies, LLC.
- Early Childhood Investigations: Webinars is the associated Facebook page.
- Pelo, A., & Carter, M. (2019, Apr. 17). From teaching to thinking: A conversation with Ann Pelo and Margie Carter [Video]. Link
- Allard Agnamba, L., & Trahan, J. (2016, Mar. 23). Anti-bias approach to early childhood leadership: Beyond books and pictures, by Lindsey Allard Agnamba and Je’kendria Trahan [Video]. Link
Educator Certification, a “free professional development program that recognizes pre-K through 12 formal and informal educators committed to inspiring the next generation of explorers, conservationists, and changemakers.” Provided by National Geographic.
Neuroscience for parents: How to raise amazing kids, a low-cost online course. Created by Gregory Caremans from Brain Academy.
The embodied trauma conference, a free online opportunity to be held from March 8-13, 2021.
A Fine Parent, an online community of “smart, dedicated parents who believe that Great Parents are Made, Not Born.”
- Poindexter, J. (n.d.). 100 self care ideas that will fit easily in your busy schedule. Link
Camp Songs, a collection of “[a]ll the summer camp favourites and more.”
CompSAT, “a competencies-based, self-assessment toolkit . . . the companion to the CA [California] ECE Competencies.”
- Learning Environments and Curriculum: Turn Questions Into Action, a sample from the CompSAT.
Earlychildhood News, an “online resource for Teachers and Parents of children, from infants to age 8 years.”
- Tomlin, C. R. (n.d.). Factors to consider when choosing preschool books. Link
Education Commission of the States, an American advisory organization for education policy.
- ECS. (2018, June). State kindergarten-through-third-grade policies: Does the state require children to attend kindergarten? Link
Mindful Early Childhood Educator, a Facebook page with the goal of “bringing awareness to respectful practices in order to cultivate authentic relationships with children as human beings.
Mommy Poppins, a resource/blog written by local parents, for families.
- Noel, A. (2018, Apr. 28). 25 STEM activities easy enough for preschoolers. Link
NAEYC, the official website of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, an American organization.
- Sullivan, P. (n.d.). Wiggling, Giggling, and Moving from Head to Toe: Books to Encourage Exercise. Link
Parenting Today, a Facebook page “highlighting the prominent issues of modern-day parenting.”
Reggio Emilia Australia Information Exchange, the “national reference organisation for the educational project of Reggio Emilia in Australia.”